Italian Food: Life Beyond Lasagna

You may love going out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant. But did you know there is far more to Italian cuisine than just ravioli and spaghetti? If you're interested in expanding your culinary horizons the next time you head to your favorite Italian restaurant, here are the basic dishes of two very different regions. Venetian Cuisine In Venice and the surrounding area, known as Veneto, the cuisine is quite different than what an American typically thinks of Italian food. [Read More]

Craving Italian? 5 Ways To Keep It Healthy

Going out for Italian food is really hard to beat, because there are so many great choices that are full of flavor on the menu. Although Italian food in general is really healthy, it can be easy to add things onto your dishes that turn them into more of an unhealthy choice. The next time you go out for Italian food, follow these five steps in order to ensure that your meal is healthy and tasty at the same time. [Read More]

Two Great Chicken Burger Recipes To Add To Your Bar And Grill Menu

Do you find that many of your patrons are looking for healthier options at your restaurant? A great way to provide them with the healthier meal they prefer without veering too far from the traditional bar and grill-style menu is to start serving chicken burgers. They're lower in fat than beef burgers, but they're still packed with flavor and easy to make on a standard flat-top grill. Here are two chicken burger recipes your guests will love. [Read More]

Live Entertainment For Your Restaurant: 3 Restrictions To Be Wary Of

You'd be surprised at just how much live entertainment can spice up the atmosphere at your restaurant and enhance your customers' overall experience. In fact, 84% of participants in a recent study claimed that music helps create a better atmosphere for the customers, and 47% of owners or managers believe that having live entertainment says something about who they are as a business. Although taking a look at the talent available in your local area may seem like a good idea at first, make sure you check in to see how the following three restrictions may dampen the live entertainment experience. [Read More]